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What brings you joy?

Find your joy! The more effort you put into recognizing the things that make you happy, the more happiness you will find. Pick six activities that bring you joy and assign each a

different color. These might be things you do daily, several times a week, or monthly.

Each day, reflect on all the things that brought you joy and made your day a little brighter!

I love sitting down on the couch in the evening a lighting my favorite scented candle... that first whiff can totally reset my negative mindset after a crazy day. I also love the feeling of slipping into a cute outfit that just makes me feel good. Cooking for myself and others and putting a good meal on the table makes me so happy, especially because my busy life doesn't allow me to do it as often as I'd like. Each day, stop and take account of the good things - big or small - that brought a smile to your face and happiness to your heart.

What brings you joy?

Joy log
  • Spend time with a loved one

  • Wear an outfit that makes you feel good

  • Cook a good meal

  • Light a candle

  • Watch a good show

  • Social time with friends

  • Fun activity

  • Spend time outside

  • Listen to music

  • R E L A X !


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