I don’t know about you, but I L O V E a good to-do list. I’m a sucker for crossing things off as they are completed and the feeling of accomplishment when the task is done. Think of your habits as your daily, weekly and monthly to-do list. Perhaps they are reminders of healthy habits you’re trying to adopt or parts of your regular routine. I am also a creature of habit, and have learned what helps me feel balanced. Plus, knowing I get to check something off when it's done often helps give me the motivation to get it done... no matter how much I hate putting away clean laundry!
Check in with yourself daily! Here are a few examples of habits to track:

Drink water
Make your bed
Work out
Quiet time/devotional
No spending
No alcohol
Healthy choices
8+ hours of sleep
Go to bed/wake up on time
Cleaning tasks
Call a loved one
Consider setting goals for yourself with daily habits such a 4 workouts per week, no spending 2 days a week, no alcohol on week days. Not every day has to look the same! Make the tool work for you.