I don't know about you, but I'm a very goal oriented person. Whether it's a long term goal I'm working towards over the course of the year, something I'm focusing on this month, or something I want to check off at the end of the week, setting goals keeps me moving in the right direction.
There are so many facets to a person, and it's important to nourish all of them. Breaking down your goals into the following six categories can make them feel more manageable. Each month, set goals for the next few weeks in these areas.

Physical: Set goals related to health, fitness, and wellness. Make taking care of your body a priority!
Spiritual: Whatever you believe, connecting with your spirituality and faith is important. Make space to grow in that capacity.
Personal: Perhaps you need to focus on taking more time for yourself or making strides on a project. Aim to thrive personally.
Relational: Who are the key people in your life? Create intentions to connect with the ones you love or those you wish to know deeper.
Financial: Maybe you need to bulk up your savings or plan for a significant purchase - set goals to make sure it fits in your budget.
Organizational: Whether it's cleaning up an area of your home or getting ahead of plans for a busy month, set goals to get organized!